A Selection of Works
from the Private Collection of
Thomas Edward Hoppe
& The Hoppe Estate.

“Polymodal Chromaticism No.5”
Oil on Canvas.
A twelve tone, polymodal, color abstraction.

“Canon in Blue”
Oil on Linen.

Gouache, Graphite, and Pen on Paper.
A study of John Singer Sargent‘s “Carnation, Lilly, Lilly, Rose.”

“The Construction of Miss Viola’s Room”
Pen and Graphite on Paper.

“Vietnamese Figure w/ Yellowgreen Skateboard”
Pencil and Oil on Vellum.

“Abstraction No. 1358”
Oil on Linen.

“Hood and I in a Calm Blu Room”
Pencil, Pen, and Gouache on Paper.
The young Artist, and Hood, in a fractured reality.

“The Construction of Miss Viola”
Pen, Ink, and Pencil on Paper.

“Abstraction No. 1357”.

“The Sphere of Love and Strife”
Pencil, Pen, and Gouache on Paper.
Excerpt from Theory Book X.

“Translation of a Theme by Arnold Schoenberg”
Pencil, Pen, and Gouache on Paper.
Excerpt from theory book XLVII.

“Abstraction No. 1480”
Oil and Pastel on Canvas.

“Study of Planet with Pins”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.
Excerpt from Theory Book XLVII.

“The Rise & the Fall of an Overweight Triangle”
Oil on Canvas.

“Chloe Holding Hood in Dorian’s
Room, with a Red Chair”
Oil on Wood Panel.

“Abstraction No. 4912”
Oil on Burlap.

Pencil and Colored Pencil on Paper.

“Self Portrait in a Ceramic Vase”
Mixed Media.
A favorite theme that the Artist returns to again and again since he was a young child.

“Mother Leading Her Child into
A World of Abstraction”
Pencil and Gouache on Orange Paper.

“Miss Viola Looking for Clovers”
Pencil and Marker on Vellum.

“Polymodal Chromaticism No.2”
Oil on Canvas.
A twelve tone, polymodal, color abstraction.

“Music of the Vertebral Column”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.
A structural analysis of the human spinal column,
and it’s application to a new musical form.

“R.A.A.A.C. Rough Draft”
Pencil, Colored Pencil and Pen on Paper.
The very first drawing of Raggedy Ann & Andy,
thrown on the floor.

“Music of the Hindu Horseman”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.
The silhouette of this ancient Hindu artifact, translated to music by the reconstruction of the curve system defining it.

“Portrait of The Blu Prophet”
Pencil and Gouache on Paper.

“Lisa Looking out
the Bathroom Window”
Pencil on Paper.

“Abstraction No. 1940”
Oil on Canvas.
A study of Color and abstraction equivalent to the musical tonality of C Harmonic Minor.

“Cross Section of Spinal Canal”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.
Excerpt from Theory Book XLVII.

“The War Horse”
Oil and Pastel on Canvas.

“Harmonic Analysis of Nefertiti”
“The Sunspot Cycle Melody”

“Nico and Blu Constructing”
Mixed Media on Paper.

“Pheonix Rising”
Oil in Linen.

“The Manor Elevation”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.

“Polymodal Chromaticism No.6”
Oil on Canvas.
A modal, color abstraction.

“A Page from The Theory of Pentagonal Symmetry and Symphonic Composition.”
Pen and ink on Paper.
Excerpt from Theory Book XIX.

Oil on Canvas.

“An Early Study of Egyptian Compositional Geometry”
Pencil and Pen on Paper.
Excerpt from Theory Book XI.

“Abstraction No. 1461”
Oil on Wood Panel.

"Dawing of peppers"
(from middle school)
Pencil on Paper

"Drawing of my Hand with an M.C.Escher Animal."
9th Grade